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Paediatric Dentistry


FREE Checkup and Treatment Plan with Intra-Oral Images and X-Rays

Good oral health is essential in maintaining overall physical health and emotional well-being. The first step to great oral health is a dental check-up! At Mobile Dental Care Australia, we promise to deliver FREE, thorough, enjoyable, personalised, pain-free, comfortable, educational, and interactive dental check-ups. All while treating you like family – with exceptional care, consideration, dedication, and compassion.
Our thorough check-ups and treatment plans include the following:

Use of a state-of-the-art digital intra-oral camera that accurately captures and detects:

Use of a state-of-the-art digital x-ray system that delivers fast and precise x-rays with low-dosage radiation, accurately capturing:

A full report with information about your oral health status, complete with dental images and x-rays, is emailed to you after your visit for FREE and is yours to keep with no obligations to continue treatment with us! For any issues detected, we will formulate a personalised treatment plan with details about the urgency of issues, treatment options, pricing, and additional information.

Dental Scale, Polish and Fluoride Treatment

A regular clean, polish, and fluoride treatment is one of the most important things you can do to take care of your teeth. Dental cleans are recommended every 6 to 12 months. Our comfortable deep clean, surface stain-removing polish and remineralising fluoride treatment reduces the risk of tooth decay (cavities), discolouration (staining), bacteria build-up, and Gingivitis and Periodontitis (gum disease). Gingivitis and Periodontitis can cause bad breath, tooth loss, and sensitivity, as well as tender, swollen, bleeding and receding gums. Dental diseases that regular dental cleans can prevent have an impact on the health of your entire body – with direct links to cardiovascular (heart) disease, endocarditis (heart valve inflammation), diabetes, pneumonia (lung infection), and chronic renal (kidney) disease.

Fissure Sealants

Molars and premolars (back teeth) have fissures (grooves) and pits along the chewing surface to help grind down and chew food. These fissures often trap food, bacteria, and plaque. Fissures of molars are one of the most common areas that develop tooth decay and cavities. Fissure sealants provide a barrier, or ‘shield’, on the tooth’s surface to protect against dental decay caused by food, bacteria and plaque build-up. Sealants also work to remineralise the teeth. Sealants are a white or clear coating, similar to a layer of nail polish, that can be applied painlessly and non-invasively to the fissures and pits of teeth in just a few minutes. The sealant can then protect the tooth for several years – slowly wearing down over time when eating and biting. Sealants make the tooth stronger and easier to clean! We also recommend fissure sealants to people who have trouble brushing their back teeth.

Special Offers for Non-Eligible Patients!

Take advantage of our great better-than-half-price offers while you are already in the clinic for your free consultation!

Clean, Polish and
Fluoride for $60!

If you are not eligible for Medicare CDBS, you can add our comfortable deep clean, surface stain-removing polish and remineralising fluoride treatment (valued at over $237) for $60 if you pre-book this service before your free check-up!

Four Protective Fissure Sealants for $90!

If you are not eligible for Medicare CDBS, you can add four fissure sealants for $90 during your free check-up appointment! You can bundle this with our Clean, Polish and Fluoride special offer for $150.


Restorations, known as fillings, are the most common and affordable treatment for cavities, chipped teeth and cracked teeth. At Mobile Dental Care Australia tooth coloured materials are used and colour-matched to your tooth with the use of a shade guide to restore the natural function, integrity and aesthetics of missing tooth structure. We use an automatic numbing delivery system to make the entire experience pain and stress-free (say goodbye to scary, traditional numbing needles!). We then clean and remove any decayed or infected parts of the tooth and place in the material to rebuild the tooth structure quickly and easily.

Stainless Steel Crowns

Stainless steel crowns are tooth-shaped metal crowns that are fitted over the remaining tooth structure of infected teeth to protect them and prevent decay from progressing further. Stainless steel crowns are the most popular technique for treating severely decayed or fractured baby teeth as they are simple to place, easy to care for, strong, long-lasting and highly successful. Stainless steel crowns are perfect for children as they can be placed in just a few minutes without any numbing agents and, most often, without drilling the tooth at all. Stainless steel crowns are a non-invasive, quick, comfortable and pain-free alternative to complex procedures such as extractions or pulpotomies. The high success rate and durability of stainless steel crowns enable children to avoid frequent dental visits for problem teeth. Stainless steel crowns will stay in the mouth until the baby tooth it is placed on naturally falls out.

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